Benedetta Lazzeri

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Benedetta Lazzeri is an external associate in the research project DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 2792 "Autonomy of Heteronomous Texts in Ancient and Medieval Times." Her work for the project focuses on the diatribe between the Council and the Pope in the history of the Church in the early modern Era, particularly in the Florentine Synodus and in the thought of its author, Gentile Becchi, a pivotal figure and text in the political and ecclesiastical debate in Florence Renaissance. She obtained her Bachelor's degree in theoretical philosophy at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan and later obtained a master's degree in philosophy of religion in the same university with a thesis on the normative value of Martin Luther's production in Hegel's work. Her research interests are centered around the political and normative reception of texts and images from the early to late modern period.


"The use of the Bible in Girolamo Savonarola and Contemporaries"

Exegesis work and interpretation of the Bible became, during the Middle Ages,
strong instruments to improve a normative structure to Christian and human
society, a political power able to orient and guide people and a barrier to the
overfowing of secular authority power.
The claim of this research is to investigate this normative and political use of the
Bible, focussing on the period just after and, in particular, on Girolamo Savonarola
sermons. The principal idea is to study the relationship between this main
Renaissance figure and the late medieval era, concentrating on continuity and
differences in the use of texts, but also on the impact of his exegetical work on
the Catholic church during the Quattrocento
Savonarola's works, life and preaching could be, in fact, the key to investigate and
demonstrate political implications of the Normativity of Sacred Scriptures in Re-
naissance and Medieval Florence
After a first, brief period under the favour of Lorenzo Medici, Girolamo Savonarola
becomes one of the Medici's major Opponents and starts a great WOrk of exege-
Sis and preaching against Lorenzo's power as the image of the corruption of the
Christian society. His words are all based on the Bible and its interpretation, and
the straightness of these words is directed also against the Holy See, a church
too far away from God's will and spirit.
What this research aims to study is, therefore, Savonarola's use of Apologetics
and escathological literature; this focus on Eschatology reveals himself necessary
to investigate the relationship between normativity use of Scripture during the Re-
naissance and its enormous political power in the Middle Ages.
The purpose of this work is to identify the principal texts and sources, but also to
recognise the influence of the medieval interpretation in order to understand the
influence of the medieval normative use of the Bible on the early Modern
christian era.
The objective is to evaluate the power of human work on the Bible, the impact of
the different interpretations in human life and society and the relevance of
exegesis to build and maintain united and strong the church and its
orthodoxy through the passing of time.

Curriculum Vitae

Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan 07/2022
Master of Arts: Philosophy And Religious Studies
Discussed on 18 July 2022- mark: 110/110 cum Laude Dissertation topic: The resumption of Luther Theology between the XVI and XIX Century. Thesis: Hegel's Moses: The resumption of Luther Theology in the XIX Century

Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan 07/2020
Bachelor's Degree: Philosophy
Discussed on 29 July 2020 - mark: 110/110
Dissertation topic: The Conception of Normativity in Hegel's philosophy of history
Thesis: Tragedy of the Norm: Antigone Between Hegel and Smith

Liceo Classico Annibale Mariotti, Perugia 07/2016
High School Diploma


B. Lazzeri, L'oblio della storia secondo Adriano Prosperi, «Giornale criticodi storia della idee», 2021, I, pp. 289-299.

B. Lazzeri, Review of V. Limone and G. Maspero (edd.), Agostino e la sua eredità. Teologia, filosofia e letteratura, «EasternTheological Journal» 2021, II, pp. 247-250.