Judith Adam

PhD candidate - 2nd cohort
Classical Philology/ Greek
Ancient and Medieval Philosophy

Judith Adam is a research associate at the DFG Research Training Group 2792 "Autonomy of Heteronomous Texts in Antiquity and the Middle Ages". She is writing her PhD project in Greek studies about soul-body-relation in the commentaries on Plato by Proclus. She studied at the Christian-Albrechts-Univerität zu Kiel where she first attained a B.A. in Philosophy and English Studies before she reoriented herself and completed a M.A. in Greek Philology and Philosophy. In her Bachelor’s and Master’s theses she already focused on works by Proclus and analysed aspects of his Elements of Theology and hymns. During her studies Judith Adam was part of the Student Representatives for Classical Philology (Latin and Greek) and involved in the General Student Committee in the department of Study Matters.

Judith Adam

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
GRK 2792 (Theologische Fakultät)
Fürstengraben 6
07743 Jena

Research project

Proclus is regarded as a Neoplatonist with a systemic philosophy that remains the same throughout his works and offers little to no autonomous parts. Instead Proclus deliberately aligns himself with previous authors, such as Homer, Plato, Plotinus and many others, to present himself as the custodian and teacher of neoplatonic thought. While he explicitly refers to predecessors in some of his works, mainly his commentaries, he does not mention them in his systemic work: The Elements of Theology. This research project aims to analyse these differences. When and why does Proclus refer to other authors? How and in what relations to their previous custodians and original thinkers are philosophical thoughts presented? What impact do these decisions have on the text?

Since the works of Proclus are vast both in volume of preserved text and philosophical intricacies, these questions will be analysed in regards to a specific subsection of the neoplatonic system: the body-soul relation. This subsection was chosen because it includes the philosophical thoughts of which Proclus has been suggested as the originator, small though they might be. It thus provides the opportunity to also analyse how Proclus presents original thought, and how that presentation differs. The textual basis will thus consist of the main works in which Proclus discusses the body-soul relation and its implications: the commentaries on the Timaeus and the Republic, The Elements of Theology, and The Platonic Theology. Other works of Proclus will be included when they offer additional insight.

Curriculum Vitae

Since Jan. 2025: PhD-Candidate at the DFG-Research Training Group 2792 „Autonomy of Heteronomous Texts in Antiquity und the Middle Ages“ at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

2022-2024: M.A. Greek Philology and Philosophy at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

2015-2022: B.A. Philosophy and English Studies at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel


2023-2024: Head of the AStA Department of Study Matters at the CAU zu Kiel

2023-2024: Member of the Student Representatives for Classical Philology (Greek and Latin) at the CAU zu Kiel

2022-2024: Member and Head of the student group HSG-Saturnalien at the CAU zu Kiel

2019-2022: student assistant at ROOTS at the CAU zu Kiel

2016-2020: Tutor for PHF-phil-BA1: Logic, Argumentation, Language at the CAU zu Kiel


13.9.2023: „Artist or Philosopher – Iris Murdoch’s Understanding of Plato“ at the student conference „Reviving the Quartet: Wie 4 Frauen die Philosophie veränderten“ at the CAU zu Kiel.