Julia Ehinger (geb. Ritz)

PhD candidate - 1st cohort
Old Testament Studies

Julia Ehinger is a research associate at the DFG Research Training Group 2792 "Autonomy of Heteronomous Texts in Antiquity and the Middle Ages" in the Department of Theology. Her doctoral project deals with the Psalms of Solomon (probably 1st century BC) and their literary source, the Book of Psalms, which is considered canonical in the Jewish-Christian tradition. Julia completed her Bachelor's degree in Protestant Theology at the International University of Liebenzell and her Master's degree in Philosophy and Protestant Theology at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. Her research interests lie in the exegesis of texts from the Old Testament, Jewish Hellenism and early Christianity, as well as in the study of linguistic philosophy and textual hermeneutics.

Julia Ehinger (geb. Ritz)

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
GRK 2792 (Theologische Fakultät)
Fürstengraben 6
07743 Jena

Curriculum Vitae

2014 – 2018 B.A. Protestant Theology

2018 – 2022 M.A. Protestant Theology and Philosophy

2022 – 2023 Children’s Ministry in the Protestant Congregation of Jena

Since 2023 Doctoral researcher at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (graduate college „Autonomie heteronomer Texte in Antike und Mittelalter“)

Networking Activities:

Specialist conference for the Old Testament in Berlin (March 2023)

Regional Forum for Young Theology in Erfurt (June 2023)

TelShaddud Archeological Excavation (July 2023)

Beyond Canon Regensburg (since April 2023)


„Die Gerechtigkeit Gottes als zentrales Thema der Psalmen Salomos“ – June 2023: at our graduate college and our OT doctoral college (Jena and Bochum)

Psalm Salomos 17" - Gastvortrag / Theoriewerkstatt (Jena)

"Pslam Salomos 17 - Beobachtungen und Frage am Text" - 20. Dezember 2023 alttestamentlichen Sozietät (HU Berlin)

„Du, Herr, hast David als König über Israel erwählt“ (PsSal17,4)  -Auf den intertextuellen Spuren des DtrG in PsSal17- 20. April 2024 AT-AG-(Leipzig)

„Echoes and Allusions in the Psalm of Solomon 17“ auf der EABS-Konferenz in Sofia (15.-18. Juli 2024)